Friday, July 15, 2011

Connecticut and Dirty Laundry

From Helen:
Sarah and Jay have passed through Salisbury, Connecticut and are enjoying the trail. I recently received several writings and some pictures from them, so I'll post those in the coming week.

Along with the camera they mailed me, I got a phone message from Sarah asking if I could wash some dirty laundry they were sending me in the same package. In the background I could hear Jay saying, "I'm not sure the dirty laundry will get through the biohazard sensors at the post office." Well, it all arrived undisturbed. I haven't gotten the pictures back from being developed yet, but we'll see if the camera was affected by the laundry in the same box! I'm kidding, of course. We're just glad Sarah and Jay can lighten their load a bit by mailing things back here.

Their voices on the phone sound like they are having a great time. They are still at least a couple of weeks ahead of their listed itinerary. Very impressive!

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